Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ajith an instant choice for Billa?

It is now known Ajith is the man who is going to be the next "Billa", but well before the news broke that "Billa 07" is going to be made, people guessed Ajith would be the first choice for the role. Here is a excerpt from the blog of Dinesh:

Apart from the superstar who else can play Billa ?

- Ajith. He has been playing a stream of movies with the “Dada” look. There has been a long list of action movies under his name, starting from Dheena. Some of them have fared well, while some of the portrayals have been grotesque. He can still be a decent candidate for this kind of role. [comment dated 2006/09/04]

Seems like Ajith was an instant choice for some.

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